Off Page SEO

Choose The Off Page SEO- I Explain IT?
Off Page SEO is type of seo it mean (Search Engine Optimization) in It we Describe the many techniques to make your link popularity, Link popularity is one of the factor which drive huge traffic to  your site.Link popularity is increase you traffic, I think traffic is the very important factor of the Off Page SEo and the other is the gain the many backlinks for the site PR(Page Rank), Is your own backlink increase your traffic and PR. I think there are two ways to do off page SEO First is Black Hat and second is White Hat. This is for kind information Search Engine do not like the Black Hat ways because this is also known as anti-search engines ways. If you apply the Black Hat SEO may be your site is in spam and may be its rank down in search engines. So don't working with the help of Black Hat ways is this your all working & time waste.

Right Way Choose White Hat SEO To Your Own Site...

In this site I privide some Off Page SEO Techniqueswith short examples. There are related with White Hat SEO, If you are follow these techniques your link is popular and iscrease traffic & PR (Page Rank) your site.

Article Submission
Article Submission is good way to make your content popular. Search the some Article Directory in search engines and submit your content in it. But one thing you remember content must unique and well written and related with your site. Add the hyperlinks in the content to gain backlinks. Below some articles directories site avalible:              
                       URL                                                              PR (Page Rank)                                              5                                                                   6
https://submityourarticle .com/                                                    4 

Forum Posting
Forum Posting is used to popular and gain your backlinks in many posts, the benefits of using the forums is your link signature is mention your all posts, this is the right and good way of driving the traffic on your own site. Below some forums posting site avalible:             
                       URL                                                              PR (Page Rank)                       6                                             5                                                                5 

PR (Press Release) Submission
Press Release Submission is the very best way to make your own site content promotional, In the way youare are share your company and your products as well as discount offer etc. I think in this way you are promote syour own business site and some deals with your own client online. Below some PR sites avalible:               
                         URL                                                              PR (Page Rank)                                                                   4                                            5                                            5

Blog Posting
Blog Posting is the so best and free of cost way to get the backlink and make your link popular , In this ways you can find some sites in the search engine and add your own content posting as well as possible, dome forums are also allows you to post blog. Below some blog submission sites avalible:               
                          URL                                                             PR (Page Rank)                                                                   6                                                                                 3                                                                                  8                                                                           8  

Blog Commenting
This is alos good method to get traffic. Some of the blogs allow to comment on the post, in the comment you leave you own website link. One thing you always keep in your mind no post your link in the text field otherwise blog owner delete your comment on her/his site. Below some blog commenting avalible:                                           URL                                                                                         PR (Page Rank)                                                                              5                                                                      2                                                                         4

Directory Submission
This is the best way to get traffic and backlinks as well, you can easily add the site link and also description is much directories. One thing i suggest you always use PR1, PR2 and above PR directories to get good results. One important thing in the directory submission not use automated ways in it. check some sample sites about Directory Submission:              
                             URL                                                              PR (Page Rank)                                                                            4                                      5                                                                     3                                                   3

Bookmarking is the best ways to drive traffic and also known as traffic source. This is very efficient ways to index your own site in search engine and get very popular backlinks as link popularity.Below some social bookmarking sites are avalible:              
                              URL                                                              PR (Page Rank)                                                               5                                                                                      8                                                                                  8

Networking is most energatic way to rank site in all search engines. In the networking ways you an make groups, communities and other kinds of pages in all networking sites for example, Facebook fan page. Below some networking sites avalible:              
                                URL                                                              PR (Page Rank)                                                                    10                                                                          6                                                                        5 

So these examples is giving you help in seo working. There are many other off page SEO, these are mian techniques and take a part well in optimization.

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