Explain – What is keyword stuffing and why we are to do it?

Every webmaster think this “Keyword Stuffing” have very simple concept, we are use one word and one keyword which is also available in the Meta keyword, I think this is show in the content and in any article. So this is called Keyword Stuffing when a word is always use much time in the content and which is not available in the Meta Tags. Basically some webmasters do this “Keyword Stuffing” concept just because to get the all Search engines visibility but I think this absolutely wrong way. I think this is unethical techniques of SEO.

Why we need to do it? Basically we do this “Keyword stuffing” concept to want popular our content and rank our site in the search engine visibility. when we are use the word many time and this is make our famous keyword and It is include in very much competition, we use this word / keyword in the content in the all search engines fetch it fast and show the very good result in it. I think make the all keywords destiny not good and search engines do not like this …

I know you may be having the some problems to getting the penalty by the search engines. But I am sure this is very harmful and useful way to make popular your content and for the excellent Search Rank.


Jerry Smith said...

Thanks for sharing Experience.it should be really informative.
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